Book of Kings
Chicago Tribune Review
CHICAGO TRIBUNE May 23 1999 Al Cheuse
Weighing in at nearly 800 pages and attempting to hold within
its grasp all of Europe from the early days of Nazism through
the beginning of the 1960s, James Thackara’s new novel
is an audacious undertaking. It gives us four main characters,
roommates in a Paris student apartment, each with a heavily
embroidered story line to follow: David Sunda, a young German
aristocrat; Johannes Godard, a passionate German philosophy
student; Duncan Penn, an American student; and Justin Lothaire,
a half-Arab, half-French Algerian. And the book uses the entire
map of Europe, from the Normandy beaches to the city limits
of Moscow, with some excursions into Algeria, for its geography.
In the plenitude of its material and the breadth of its unfolding,
this is a novel we haven’t seen the lies of since Irwin
Shaw’s ‘The Young Lions’, although the effectiveness
and magnitude of its battle scenes immediately call to mind
the vivid presentation of the Pacific theatre in the late
fiction of Herman Wouk.
The novel has a framing sequence set in Europe in the 1960s,
but this quickly yields to the main narrative, beginning in
the early 1930s, when the four attractive and sensitive young
men are on the loose in chateaux and castles and, in Lothaire’s
case, beneath the wide, pale blue sky of the North African
desert, in love with the idea of love, in love with ideas.
To get their stories right, as romantic as they are, a novelist
would need to take a lot of deep breaths. At its low points,
where the texture of the novel runs thin, the deep breath
turns to rhetorical exhalation. Lothaire, for example, doesn’t
just drop his first big love off at her house. He feels “released”
and “alone with the passion of his people and the nameless
struggles of all men”. A ship sails out of San Francisco
Bay, not just beneath the Golden Gate Bridge but under the
“colossus” of the Golden Gate.
These kinds of phrases tip off the reader that Thackara,
at his worst, but also at his best, writes in the mode of
the sublime romanticist. Many of the major characters don’t
just speak - they pronounce in the broad, grand chords of
epic declamation, though given the context they sound perfectly
believable. Lothaire, for example, who after the Nazi takeover
becomes the main voice of the French underground, announces
his mission thusly:
“ ‘To reclaim a million minds from Hitler’s
hands. To tell a story deeper than history, and to tell it
with such heat that torturers recognise themselves.’”
When he lets the story do the work rather than place the
burden of meaning on the often-elevated language, Thackara
writes extremely effectively. And because of the way that
he had digested the history of the Third Reich and dramatised
it in these pages, turning Hitler and Himmler and Goering
and a number of other major and minor historical figures into
characters in this huge work of fiction, he has no peers among
American novelists working today. The hundreds of pages of
scenes of the Nazis’ war against civilisation are extraordinary
in their power. The development of Lothaire from Casbah half-breed
into a major Camus-like giant of the age is also fascinating
to experience. Sunda’s ordeals in the German tank corps
and, later, in a Nazi death camp, are utterly convincing and
nearly unbearable to read. His French wife’s tribulations
while trying to protect herself and her children from encroaching
Nazi suitors will nearly break your heart.
The central 300 pages - focusing on the progress of the war and
consolidation of Nazi power, along with the formation of the French
Resistance and the horrors of the Russian front - are so powerful
that the aftermath, the last 140 pages, seem to pale by comparison.
They also go off in a number of distracting directions, as Sunda
makes an expedition to a South American jungle, and his son, Alaric,
throws in with post-Communist European terrorist. The effect is
a bit disconcerting. I felt so worn out by the war that I couldn’t
really engage myself with the peace. Maybe Homer had it right, rather
than Tolstoy. You either write the “Iliad” or the “Odyssey”,
but you don’t presume to put them together in one long story.
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